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This is an archive of our April 14th, 2022 "Meet the Filmmakers" webcast.


This event features:

  • A special edition trailer of the film, 

  • Unreleased clips, and 

  • A Q&A with the director and experts appearing in the film.


Help us make the film by sending your questions for journalists and we'll incorporate them into the film.


Make a tax-deductible donation of any size to make more filming possible and see your name in the credits of the film.

About the speakers:


Rod Hicks, Director of Ethics and Diversity at the Society of Professional Journalists, has experience at numerous news organizations across the country. Most recently, he served as an editor for The Associated Press at its Philadelphia-based East Regional Desk. He previously held editing positions at newspapers in New Jersey, Alabama, Michigan and Missouri. His coverage of murders at a city council meeting was a finalist for the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in Breaking News. Before that he was a suburban editor for The Detroit News.


Lynn Walsh, Assistant Director of Trusting News is an Emmy award-winning journalist who has worked in investigative journalism at the national level and locally in California, Ohio, Texas and Florida. She is the former Ethics Chair for the Society of Professional Journalists and a past national president for the organization. 


Don Colacino, Director, is a Colorado-based writer, producer, and director with a strong interest in civic and social issues. His prior film, Winner Take All (2019) about the National Popular Vote movement, screened at film festivals nationwide, aired twice on local PBS, and is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+ and Tubi. He has also produced commercial and industrial films that include two regionally broadcast television spots for Toyota.  

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